home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- INCLUDE equates.inc
- INCLUDE instance.inc
- INCLUDE messages.inc
- INCLUDE objects.inc
- FlashDelay EQU 0EFFFh ;Empty loop count
- IF1
- INCLUDE macros.mac
- INCLUDE objects.mac
- INCLUDE strings.mac
- INCLUDE video.mac
- EXTRN hideMouseCursor:NEAR
- EXTRN sendMsg:NEAR
- PUBLIC menuInstVars
- ==============================================================================
- Gets the instance variables for Menu objects.
- Passes: bl - Color
- cx - Lower/Right row/column
- di - Menu index ptr
- dx - Upper/Left row/column
- si - Menu table ptr
- =============================================================================%
- menuInstVars PROC NEAR
- getInst dh,Row1,Self ;Get upper row
- getInst dl,Col1 ;Get left column
- getInst ch,Row2 ;Get lower row
- getInst cl,Col2 ;Get right column
- getInst bl,Color ;Get window color
- getInst di,InxPtr ;Menu index pointer
- getInst si,MenuPtr ;Menu pointer
- ret
- menuInstVars ENDP
- IF Dbug
- PUBLIC hiliteOff
- ==============================================================================
- Turns off the currently hilited menu item.
- =============================================================================%
- hiliteOff PROC NEAR
- call menuInstVars
- add si,di ;Point to menu entry
- call disMenuItem ;De-Hilite menu item
- ret
- hiliteOff ENDP
- ==============================================================================
- Hilites a menu item.
- Passed: StackTop - New menu index
- =============================================================================%
- hiliteOn PROC NEAR
- call hideMouseCursor ;Hide mouse cursor
- call menuInstVars
- getStackArgs di ;Get menu index
- reverseVideo bl ;Get reverse video attr
- add si,di ;Point to menu entry
- call disMenuItem ;Hilite menu item
- setInst InxPtr,di,Self ;Set new menu index
- ret
- hiliteOn ENDP
- ==============================================================================
- Displays a menu item.
- Passed: bl - Color
- cx - Lower/Right row/column
- dx - Upper/Left row/column
- si - Menu item handle
- =============================================================================%
- disMenuItem PROC NEAR
- pushData <cx,di>
- mov dx,Wptr[si] ;Get row/col
- mov si,Wptr[si+2] ;Get string address
- push dx
- disStrg dh,dl,bl,si ;Display the string
- pop dx
- getInst ch,Row2,Self ;Get lower row
- getInst cl,Col2 ;Get right column
- sub ch,dh ;Calc window height
- zero ch,dsmi1 ;Horizontal menu? - Exit
- push dx
- disAttr dh,dl,cl,bl ;Else - Display the attributes
- pop dx
- dsmi1: popData <di,cx>
- ret
- disMenuItem ENDP
- IF Dbug
- PUBLIC nextMenuItem
- ==============================================================================
- Moves the hilite to the next menu item.
- =============================================================================%
- nextMenuItem PROC NEAR
- call menuInstVars_ ;Get menu data
- dec ch ;Account for border
- add di,4 ;Increment index ptr
- add si,di ;Point to next menu item
- identity Wptr[si],nmi1 ;Next item ok? - Use it
- notZero ax,nmi0 ;Vertical? - Jump
- mov ax,di
- nmi0: sub di,ax ;Else use top item
- jmp nmi3
- nmi1: neq Bptr[si-3],ch,nmi3 ;Not at bottom? - Skip
- push di
- send Self,ScrollUp,1 ;Else scroll
- pop di
- nmi3: send Self,Hilite,di ;Hilite menu item
- ret
- nextMenuItem ENDP
- IF Dbug
- PUBLIC prevMenuItem
- ==============================================================================
- Moves the hilite to the previous menu item.
- =============================================================================%
- prevMenuItem PROC NEAR
- call menuInstVars_ ;Get menu data
- mov ch,dh ;Save upper row
- inc ch ;Account for border
- notZero di,pmi1 ;Not 1st item? - Use it
- notZero ax,pmi0 ;Vertical? - Jump
- pmi4: add di,4 ;Increment index ptr
- add si,4 ;Point to next menu item
- identity Wptr[si],pmi4 ;Not end of tbl? - Loop
- jmp pmi5
- pmi0: add di,ax ;Else use bottom item
- pmi5: sub di,4 ;Point to last entry
- jmp pmi2
- pmi1: sub di,4 ;Decrement index ptr
- add si,di
- neq Bptr[si+5],ch,pmi2 ;Not at top? - Skip
- push di
- send Self,ScrollDown,1 ;Else scroll
- pop di
- pmi2: send Self,Hilite,di ;Hilite new menu item
- ret
- prevMenuItem ENDP
- ==============================================================================
- Helper function that returns menu data for next/prevMenuItem procedures.
- Passes: ax - Number of menu items
- bl - Color
- cx - Lower/Right row/column
- di - Menu index ptr
- dx - Upper/Left row/column
- si - Menu table ptr
- =============================================================================%
- menuInstVars_ PROC NEAR
- call menuInstVars
- xor ax,ax
- eq ch,dh,mni1 ;Horizontal? - Exit
- push cx
- sub ch,dh ;Get window height
- dec ch ;Number of visible menu items
- mov cl,ch ;Set up loop counter
- xor ch,ch
- mov al,4 ;Calculate offset
- mul cl ;Bottom-Top=ax
- pop cx
- mni1: ret
- menuInstVars_ ENDP
- IF
- PUBLIC selectItem
- ==============================================================================
- Selects the currently hilited menu item by calling the specified procedure.
- =============================================================================%
- selectItem PROC NEAR
- getInst bx,InxPtr,Self ;Current menu item
- getInst si,MenuTbl ;Current menu tbl
- null bx,slm2 ;Exit if Nil
- sendLoop si,bx,bx+2 ;Send messages
- slm2: ret
- selectItem ENDP
- ==============================================================================
- Updates next visible menu item with row and column data.
- =============================================================================%
- updateNextItem PROC NEAR
- call updateItem_ ;Get menu data
- mov Wptr[si+4],dx ;Update next menu item
- uni1: dec dh ;Decrement row
- mov Wptr[si],dx ;Save new row
- sub si,4 ;Point to prev menu item
- mov dx,Wptr[si] ;Get row/col
- loop uni1
- ret
- updateNextItem ENDP
- ==============================================================================
- Updates previous visible menu item with row and column data.
- =============================================================================%
- updatePrevItem PROC NEAR
- call updateItem_ ;Get menu data
- mov Wptr[si-4],dx ;Update prev menu item
- upi1: inc dh ;Increment row
- mov Wptr[si],dx ;Save new row
- add si,4 ;Point to next menu item
- mov dx,Wptr[si] ;Get row/col
- loop upi1
- ret
- updatePrevItem ENDP
- ==============================================================================
- A helper function that returns common instance data for updating location
- information for scrollable menus.
- =============================================================================%
- updateItem_ PROC NEAR
- call menuInstVars
- sub ch,dh ;Get window height
- dec ch ;Number of visible menu items
- mov cl,ch ;Set up loop counter
- xor ch,ch
- add si,di ;Point to menu entry
- mov dx,Wptr[si] ;Get row/col
- ret
- updateItem_ ENDP
- ==============================================================================
- Hilites the 1st menu item.
- =============================================================================%
- menuOn PROC NEAR
- call hideMouseCursor ;Hide mouse cursor
- call menuInstVars
- xor di,di ;Hilite zeroth menu item
- reverseVideo bl ;Get reverse video attr
- call disMenuItem ;Hilite menu item
- setInst InxPtr,di,Self ;Set new menu index
- ret
- menuOn ENDP
- IF Dbug
- PUBLIC flashHilite
- ==============================================================================
- Flashes the hilite for the specified menu item.
- Passed: StackTop - New menu index pointer
- =============================================================================%
- flashHilite PROC NEAR
- call hideMouseCursor ;Hide mouse cursor
- getStackArgs di ;Get new menu index
- call flashHilite_
- call flashHilite_
- ret
- flashHilite ENDP
- ==============================================================================
- Turns the hilite off pauses then turns it back on for the specified menu item.
- Passed: di - New menu index pointer
- =============================================================================%
- flashHilite_ PROC NEAR
- push di
- push di
- call hiliteOff ;Turn off hilite
- mov cx,FlashDelay ;Loop counter
- flh1: loop flh1 ;Delay
- call menuInstVars ;Get instance values
- pop di
- reverseVideo bl ;Get reverse video attr
- add si,di ;Point to menu entry
- call disMenuItem ;Hilite menu item
- setInst InxPtr,di,Self ;Set menu index
- mov cx,FlashDelay ;Loop counter
- flh2: loop flh2 ;Delay
- pop di
- ret
- flashHilite_ ENDP
- defMsg Menu,\
- Read,\
- <menuOn,,>
- defMsg Menu,\
- Next,\
- <nextMenuItem,,>
- defMsg Menu,\
- Prev,\
- <prevMenuItem,,>
- defMsg Menu,\
- Select,\
- <,,selectItem>
- defMsg Menu,\
- ScrollUp,\
- <,,updateNextItem>
- defMsg Menu,\
- ScrollDown,\
- <,,updatePrevItem>
- defMsg Menu,\
- Hilite,\
- <hiliteOff,,hiliteOn>
- defMsg Menu,\
- DeHilite,\
- <hiliteOff,,>
- defMsg Menu,\
- Flash,\
- <flashHilite,,>
- defMsg Menu,\
- SelectNext,\
- <nextMenuItem,,selectItem>
- defMsg Menu,\
- SelectPrev,\
- <prevMenuItem,,selectItem>
- defObj Menu,\
- <>,\
- <>\
- <Read,Next,Prev,Select,ScrollUp,ScrollDown,Hilite,DeHilite,Flash,\
- SelectNext,SelectPrev>